Sunday, August 4, 2013

diy graduation shadow box

Since graduating college in May, I was thinking of how I can display my regalia since it had been shoved into my bookshelf for the time being. I came across an inspiration photo on Pinterest of a graduation shadow box and knew this would be perfect! The whole project was about $20 and I got everything at Joann's except the tacks from Office Max! This is how it turned out!

What you'll need:

Shadow box ($35, was on sale for $17.50 -> then used a 20% coupon = $14)
Roll of flat cork ($3)
Flat tacks ($1)
Scrapbook paper ($0.50/sheet)

I lined the backing of the frame with the roll of cork and taped the scrapbook paper on top of it so it wouldn't be showing. Then I lined up how I wanted everything and secured all the cords down with tacks. It's pretty self explanatory from the picture to get a general idea of how I laid it all out! Super easy and I absolutely loved the way it turned out! Shadow boxes are a great way to display memories because they are deeper than normal frames and can hold 3D objects! The link to my Pinterest post can be found here